Sea Cargo

While transporting bulk goods, sea cargo services are mostly used. With modernization in technology Sea Cargo Services has advantage over other cargo services, especially when it comes to large size heavy parcels. Yash International Courier Service has been one of the premier sea cargo service provider, offering cost effective, reliable service and effective solutions. We are specialists in Sea cargo service with many years of experience, ensuring combination of route selections for transportation of goods from port to port. Over the years being in field of International Courier Service we have simplified sea transport, we also arrange safe loading and unloading of goods. Sea Cargo Service has become cost effective in comparison to other Sea Freight Service Ahmedabad when it comes to large size International parcels.

Cost of shipment is lower when it comes to Sea Cargo Services even if the distance is very long; container being fully or partly loaded. We handle import and export clearance for you, providing economical transportation, with door – to – port, port – to – port, and door – to – door options. We always look forward to provide excellent, quality service with proposed functionality to match customer’s expectation. Our qualified and experienced team of professionals is committed in helping you with your parcels.

Why to choose Yash International Courier for Sea Cargo Services Ahmedabad

  • Door to Door Services
  • Custom Clearance Expertise
  • Free Packing
  • Holiday and Sunday pickup / delivery
  • Surface Cargo
  • Pick and Pack
  • Logistic Solution
  • Simple Documentation
  • Each Shipment Carries Insurance
  • Packaging for International Travel Proof
  • Specific Time Delivery
  • Detailed Real-Time tracking